On the following pages, you will find a list of “puny” and low-level creatures for each planet in the Entropia Universe. Use these pages if you are new, free to play, on a budget, and/or maximizing codex skill gains (more attribute contribution)
First, an explanation of how each planet is split into 3 sections – Links for each planet are at the bottom of the page. For each creature listed, I will try to provide a self-verified location. Please note that there may be better locations than what I provide on these pages and there are surely more locations available to hunt. You just have to explore!
This first set of creatures is good to hunt with a Trade Terminal (TT) Pistol, Powerfist, or Shortblade, they are between 2 – 20 HP.
In this next section, you will find a list of creatures that are suitable to hunt if you have purchased a Starter Pack from the Entropia Universe Webshop, or are using a TT Rifle or Long blade. These are good for your unamped Z12 Barbarella laser rifle, the TT Rifle is ok for 30 HP, and the TT Long Blade is ok for 40 HP. To see if more hunting missions are available, scroll back up and read the first section of the page for the planet you are interested in. The following creatures are between 30 – 40 HP.
This final section is a list of creatures suitable to hunt if you have purchased a Starter Pack Gold or Platinum from the Entropia Universe Webshop, or if you are using the TT Long blade (ok for 50 HP). You will be using your Z12 Barbarella + ZX Sinkadus laser rifle and amp. To see if more hunting missions are available, scroll back up and read the first section of the page for the planet you are interested in. These creatures are between 50 – 60 HP.
Select the planet you would like to hunt on:
- Planet Calypso
- Arkadia / Arkadia Underground / Arkadia Moon
- Cyrene (New and Lower Level Mission Rotation)
- Next Island / Ancient Greece – mission rotation soon
- Monria (Shoggoth) / DSEC9 – mission rotation soon
- Rocktropia – mission rotation soon
- Toulan – mission rotation soon